
island of the blue dolphins by scott o'dell

                                                                        1. I remember the day the aleut ship came to our island. at first it seemed like a small shell afloat on the sea. then it grew larger and was a gull with folded wings. at last in the  rising sun it became what it really was  a red ship with  two red sails.   my brother and i had gone to the head of canyon that winds down to little  harbor  witch is  called coral  cove. we had gone to gather roots that grow the in the spring.   my brother ramo was only a little boy half my age, which was twelve. he was small for onewho had  lived so many suns and moons, but quick as cricket. also foolish as a cricket when he was excited. for this reason  and because i wanted him to help me gather roots and not go running off, i said nothing about the shell i saw or the gull with folded wings.   i went on digging in the brush with my pointed stick as through nothing at all were happening on the sea. even when i knew fo
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